Emergency Response

We stand ready to help

When the unexpected happens, Mazzotta Rentals provides critical solution and support - fast. Our emergency response team provides immediate service and equipment at a moment’s notice to help our communities cope with catastrophe and emergency situations. From super storm sandy to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mazzotta Rentals has answered the “call to duty.”

Mazzotta Rentals stands ready to help!

COVID-19 Response

Mazzotta Rentals' Covid-19 Response

Mazzotta Rentals stands ready to assist and support the community with responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Click here to read about what we do to keep your crew and ours safe.

Essential Business

Essential Businesses

Mazzotta Rentals is designated as an essential business and as a supplier to essential businesses. Click here to read more.

Disaster Response and Relief

Disaster Response and Relief

The culture at Mazzotta Rentals is one of giving and helping our communities during times of crisis. This is one of those times and we are here to help! Click here to read more.